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Monday, October 11, 2010

Kim Jones: Newly Published Author

Kim Jones has worn many hats. Once a National Park Ranger, a State Park Ranger, a curriculum specialist, she has now added author to her resume. She has penned, Mystery Rangers, "The Case of the Missing Mountain," which was spurred on after her trip to Mt. St. Helens, many years after the explosive eruption which caused catastrophic damage.

This book which is geared for the middle elementary grades uses the hook of a "mystery" to lure children into the study of earth science. This is a wonderful concept to me, both from the perspective of an author and publisher which I am, but also my background as an educator. Children learn best with an investigative approach rather than having the dry facts reiterated.

Kim recently received her pre-release copy of the book and explained her fear to open the package from the publisher, waiting to do this with her family present. I understand her trepidation. As an author you have a sense or a vision of what you expect the book to look like and it is very rare that the author is pleased. Yet, in Kim's case, I am happy to report she was ecstatic with the work of her publisher, Master Books and the team at New Leaf Publishing.

This was a wonderful interview because she spoke of her publishing company and the pivotal role they played in the formation of the book. I was privileged to meet Mr. Tim Dudley, the president of New Leaf Publishing, a few years prior at a national convention and have spoken with several key people at New Leaf including Laura Welch an acquisitions editor at the company, and Don Enz in sales. Finding the perfect fit, especially as a new author is often difficult. Yet, this team produced a book that Kim is proud to discuss.

Kim shared her future ventures including teaching, working with kids during summer adventure camps and a host of outdoor related activities. To learn more about Kim, I recommend you stop by her blog at

Kim also mentioned the importance of social media and how this was instrumental in meeting her husband.(She explained she met her husband through a social-matchmaking company!) For an author social media is very important and understanding ways to utilize this for the benefit of the author is something that should be in an authors-101 course.

Kim Jones' publisher, New Leaf Publishing is giving away 3 copies of her book to anyone who leaves a comment on this blog and please email me at with your email so that I may respond. When the criteria is met, I will post the contest is closed at the end of this blog. The first three people to email me correctly with the following information will win.

To win:
1. Leave a comment on this blog
2. Please email me with "Win Kim's Book" in the reference section

While not part of the contest, I hope you will listen to the interview with Kim on my show for aspiring authors, "Information in a Nutshell" Radio for Authors:

About the author:

Adventure called Kim answered National Park Ranger Kim Jones lived adventure as a park ranger in the Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area in Washington Interpreting the mysteries of science and history to park visitors Kim's love of nature and adventure met a perfect match With this perfect match of science and adventure however there was hidden challenge Join this new author as she discusses her upcoming book soon to be released any second and the adventure that come with being a published author. Oct 11 2010


  1. Just wanted to let Kim know that her friends are so proud of her!

    Lorna Stone
    Conway, AR

  2. Awesome interview with Kim Jones. Can't wait to use her book in our homeschool.

    Sarah Stokes
    Wills Point, TX

  3. Congrats, Kim! I didn't know that you had written a book. Maybe I'll win a copy to share with the grandkids!

  4. This book looks great! I'm definitely interested in reading it.

  5. Great Job Kim, its not easy to write a booka nd this would be awesome as my son loves to read and is doing a lot with earth science since he needs this to keep up with FFA.
    Great interview.
    Peggy Sergi
    Deltona, FL

  6. Felice, thanks so much for the opportunity for the interview yesterday! It was wonderful to meet you! You have an amazing heart, wit, wisdom and an astounding business! Way to go! I look forward to keeping in touch with you! Thanks so much!

    In Christ,
    Kim Jones

  7. Lorna, Terry, Sarah, Leah, and Peggy,
    Thank you so much for your encouragement! God has directed my path in writing this book! In fact, he "bulldozed" the way! He has put so many people in my life that have been encouragers, as you are, and helpers with this book! Thanks again!

    In Christ,

    Kim Jones

  8. Victoria,
    Thanks for your encouragement too! You are a great example and Christian testimony to me!

    In Christ,

  9. Would love to have a copy of the book for my 8 year old grandson!!

    Vi Vincent

  10. I had one person email me w/ their email address so they could possibly win the book, and lots of you part ONE of the requirements to win the book have been met. Please email me at with your email address so I can forward these to Kim Jones and she will send them to her publisher! Thanks to all of you for your comments.
