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Monday, October 18, 2010

Radio Interview with Dan Poynter

How exciting! You have a book, and you've had it for years. You reference this book almost daily when you first get it. Then, it lies around and you loan it out, wish you had it again, can't remember who you gave it to, and buy another copy of this beloved book.

What book am I talking about? Dan Poynters "Self-Publishing Manual." For many years, Dan was a sole proprietor and ran his company alone. You know, like many of us starting out in the publishing world. He did everything himself and learned along the way. He has traveled the world in order to talk about his books and enjoy his hobby of skydiving. He is reported to have skydived into the north pole.

His work has received much recognition and you can read about him on his website here: Para Publishing (short for parachute!)

I've blogged about Dan Poynter before, when I had the pleasure of meeting him at a conference in Tampa, Florida last winter. I listened as he told us that as authors we should be bold! We should ask the hard questions, and we should get out of our comfort zone. So... I did, I asked Dan to review my book: "Information in a Nutshell: Writing and Publishing."

Gulp! are you kidding me? Ask Dan Poynter to review your book when he is the expert on writing and publishing? Well, I did and this is what he said:

"A concise introduction to writing and publishing books by an author who has been there.

What I especially like is that Felice gets to the point; no fluff. She does not waste your (reading) time."

--Dan Poynter, The Self-Publishing Manual,

Short and to the point... I like it!

And, this week I will be able to ask Dan many questions. Yes, I asked again, and this time to interview him on my Blog Talk Radio show for aspiring authors!

I will ask him the hard questions and you are invited to join me for the live session and ask your questions as well. It isn't everyday that a famous author, the man who helped me to become a better self-publisher joins me on my radio show for aspiring authors. And, he must have done his job very well since I've been self-publishing since 1994.

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