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Monday, February 8, 2010

Great Book Title: Why We Need Girldfriends: Frankie Sherman

A Great Book Title
by Felice Gerwitz

With the title of her new book, "Why We Need Girlfriends," Frankie Sherman has caught the attention of more than just one person. And, that my friend is the object of an attention getting title. In order to have a reader pick up your book a great looking cover and title is a must. Add to that a wonderful permise and you have the makings of a best-seller.

One of the perks if you will, of hosting a radio show for authors is receiving review copies. Frankie is my guest on the upcoming Blog Talk Radio show for authors in all stages of their writing and publishing career. If you are reading this post later, the archived version of the interview will be up for a few months. Click here to visit the site to download the mp3 or listen online:

It helps when interviewing an author to hold the book in your hand, and as time permits to view the contents. This book drew me in not only because of the title, but because of the premise. It is a Bible study that focuses on the relationship between women and especially key women...Mary, the mother of Christ, and her cousin Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist. These are absolutely two of my favorite women in the Bible. I named one of my daughers, Anne Elizabeth (Anne was the name of Mary's mother).

When writing a book, don't let the title be dull and lackluster. Let it draw your readers in, realize this is not an easy feat. In fact, many authors labor over the issue of a title. In my own experiences of finding a good title, it either comes first...or comes last.  I've also given the task to someone else, like a capable editor. My science fair book was named, "Science Fair Projects" for several years before receiving a major face-lift and another fifty pages and being title, "An Insider's Guide to Successful Science Fair Project." Which book would your rather read?


  1. Thanks for your comment, I agree. Frankie is an amazing lady. As a choreographer she planned and planned to stage a show. She has taken the same care in her speaking engagements and her book. She is humorous and teaches as she entertains. I will be blogging later this week from her book.
