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Monday, May 7, 2012

A Contest for Authors Hop On...

I've joined with a group of other bloggers to bring you this BLOG hop... in the process there are instructions in the post below about what I am specifically giving away. Want a one-on-one consult with an experienced author consultant? Well now is your chance! See how to enter in the post below and best wishes.

Here are my top reasons for joining the "HOP"
1. Get the word out about my blog in the hopes that you will FOLLOW it!. I'm so busy helping other authors, hosting events and writing books that I forget my OWN writing blog.

2. Hope you will look around and consider buying my book! It is available on Amazon and my website here: Information In A Nutshell: Writing and Publishing and Business Tips and Taxes for Writers

3. Spread the joy... point you to other great bloggers and authors! (See links below)

About me:

Felice Gerwitz loves to be on the host side of the mic and has a radio show for authors at Writing and Publishing ( Felice is also the author and co-author of 19 books. She wrote Information in a Nutshell: Writing and Publishing and has published, Information in a Nutshell: Business Tips and Taxes for Writers.

a Rafflecopter giveaway  

Monday May 7th for the John 3:16 Marketing Network Blog Hop which will run May 7-14. There will be over 50 blogs you can hop to and all of them will be offering a giveaway all you have to do is leave a comment on that blog

In order to win the prize I offered (see the previous post for details $125.00 Value) please leave a comment to this post with your EMAIL so I can contact the winner... AND follow the instructions below.

In order to win the Kindle Fire that is being offered you should visit and post on each of the blogs below and join the mailing list below. (I don't run that mailing list but it is run by the Christian bloggers I belong to!)... 

Now! To enter for a chance of winning one of the Kindles, sign in below.
Kindle Wi-Fi, 6
Join The Mailing List (Blog Hoppers, sign up here, check the John 3:16 Readership Box)
Email: (for Kindle drawing, May 7-May 14)
For Email Newsletters you can trust

Participating Bloggers AND GREAT PRIZES

Blog Hop Participants:
Be sure to tell your friends about the John 3:16 Giveaway Blog Hop! It's going to be a great! week of fun!
Just click on the links below to go from blog to blog! Happy hoppin'!
Blog Hop Participants:
2.     Lynn Dove– Word Salt (Host blog)
3.     Laura J. Davis
4.     Paulette Harper
5.     Carol A. Brown
6.     April Gardner
7.     Sue Russell
8.     Susan F. Craft
9.     Heather Bixler
37.  Bill Burt


  1. I would love to read your books and get to know you.


  2. There's some exceelent advice there that I could have done with in February. Thanks.

  3. Hi Felice, glad to cyber-meet you and discover your site that looks packed with useful info. I will bookmark it to come back!

  4. As an unpublished author I would love to read your book. Thank you for being a part of the blog hop. God bless you.

    Glenda Parker

  5. Thanks Stan for your note. Reading my blog is a good way to get to know me and my work.

  6. Hope you can still glean some useful information Martin, now you can see why I jumped on the blog hop to get the word out about 100s of blog posts found here.

  7. Hi Rose. If you book mark to read later you may want to try a really cool app I found and *love* it allows me to book mark page to read later. I was doing this on Pinterest but this app is so cool and I can book mark on my phone, iPad or website. Here is the link try it out!

  8. Well Glena, you might get to do more if you win the contest, you may get a free phone session with me. My advice, keep entering the contest and tell all your friends. Rack up those points!!

  9. Felice, just hoppin' by to thank you for being one of the blog hop hosts this week. Blessings to you!

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by and nice to meet you Lynn. I' plan on "hopping" tomorrow and connect with many of you!

  10. Great prize, Felice. My email addy is: tracy[dot]krauss[at]gmail[dot]com

  11. Hi Felice--Hope you are having a great HOP! my Email is winterskn[at]gmail[dot]com Blessings!

  12. Hey! I am hopping by to check you blog. Good luck with your book!

  13. Thanks for stopping by! Looking forward to connecting and best wishes in winning the contest!

  14. Fun to "hop" by and visit your blog! silygoos(at)gmail(dot)com.

  15. Hi Felice - I'm just hopping by to say "hi" from your fellow John 3:16 author. Here's to new readers! Nice blog... :)

  16. Since i am a reader, not a writer, i don't think i'll sign up to follow your blog, but i did stop, and wish you blessings with your books

  17. Glad you did, Marianne and if it wasn't for readers there would be no authors!! I have a series of novel for tweens that are action, adventure fiction to check out, The Truth Seekers Mystery Series.

  18. Hi Felice,
    Nice to meet you. I am very impressed by your writing and publishing history. I have a debut novel "Death in Dahlonega" that was published in Oct. 2011 and doing pretty well. I've just sent in the manuscript for the second one in the series. Come on over to my blog and leave a comment to win a copy of my book at

    Deborah M.
    debbiejeanm at gmail dot com

  19. Looks like good info. I'll take a closer look later. The link to your e-course didn't work (for me).

    Hoppin on...

  20. Felice, I would LOVE to win!!

    1. Hi Rebecca, glad you stopped by, blessings and thanks for entering!

  21. Thanks for participating in this great giveaway!

    I'm following your blog!

    inmy7thheaven at yahoo dot com

    1. Thanks Anastasia, this will hopefully encourage me to post more often :)

  22. Hi Felice! Hopping through to show some John 3:16 love! Blessings to you!

  23. I'm stopping by to say hi and I'm now following your blog. What a great blog hop!

  24. I appreciate the content of your blog. I want to come back later and learn more about the marketing aspects and how to make a viral video. Thanks for being a part of the blog hop.

  25. I'm familiar with your radio show. It's nice to find your blog and book. Blessings!

    1. Hi Lisa, thanks for stopping by! So glad you've listened to the radio show for authors. I learn something new each time I interview a new guest.

  26. I'm stopping by to show some John 3:16 love!

  27. Hopping in to say hi. Great blog and looks like a great book. I will now go and enter to win! :)

  28. Hey howdy hey! Trying this whole thing out.
    *Hope it works.*
    Thanks for participating and for the chance to win some great reads!

    [joanna underscore walker 07 at yahoo dot com]

  29. Thanks for participating in the HOP and the Network. Hope to get better acquainted over time through the Network.

    Ray W. Lincoln

  30. You have a great service going for writers. Great blog. Glad you are a part of the J3:16 network

  31. Hoping by last minute to say Hi!
    Great Giveaway!!
