Are you a fiction author?
Are you a non-fiction author?
Are you both?
Several of my recent guests on the Information in a Nutshell Radio for Authors write both fiction and non-fiction. One enjoyable interview was with author Cara Putman. This interview revealed that Cara was an author of a series of novels with titles such as "Trial by Fire", "Canteen Dreams", and "Stars in the Night." Upon further research I learned she was also the author of "A Complete Idiot's Guide to Business Law"! Cara was an attorney and now is equally successful at writing romance and mystery novels. Versatility for an author as in this case is key.
Another guest penned several romance novels and is currently a free lance newspaper reporter. She was a wealth of information regarding how she managed to get her current job. An author is not necessarily tethered to a computer and with some imagination you can use your skills to land a job, while waiting for that book contract to come along.
In all cases it is a matter of using your talents and mapping out a focus or goal. Not every non-fiction author can or desires to pen a fiction, and vice-versa. Yet, if your gift lies in both areas the field is much wider for you and your chances of becoming published. In all cases research is important, not only as it pertains to your work, and your competition, but also the necessary steps to take to see your work becomes published.
Another interesting interview with a guest, fillmaker, screen-writer and author, Jon Steven Nappa, explained his experience as a speaker at writing conferences. He shared that often, aspiring-author-attendees ask basic questions that can easily be found on the library or book store shelves. Obviously this is not the best use of the expert's time. You should do your research before attending this type of conference and be prepared to ask the questions the books omit.
Jon is another example of an author with versatility. His novel, "Storm Warriors," based upon a true story, created an alliance with a wonderful ministry, "Storm Warriors International." This organization works with those who are in need by letting others with means know of their plight and bring aid by matching needs with donors. One-hundred percent of the profits from his book go to the ministry. Using a book for this purpose whatever your charitable focus is a great idea.
Writing today with the technology available knows no limit. Blogs, Tweets, websites, eReaders, and various forms of transferring media electronically can bring the written word to the ends of the earth, all in a nano-second. Look at your skill set, look at your options and get that written idea off your computer and into the hands of an eager!
They say write what you know and some know a lot! I mostly write nonfiction how to communicate eBooks, but since I write with a sense of humor, I have also begun to write comedy. I've done it for several years for a character I created called FIMM (Foot in Mouth Man) and I've begun to write what I call JoJoisms. They are funny quotes that give insights on life. I'm taking those and expanding on them to create videos soon. It's not much, but folks seem to really love them.